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July 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2015-07-01 08:11:55, by tom [48]

Featured - Announcement of new camera reference and value information for Aires and Pho-tak cameras on the HC website. Photographer biographies for Carl Van Vechten, Solomon D. Butcher and A.E. Arden.

June 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2015-06-01 07:57:50, by tom [47]

Featured - Historic Camera website update with a camera value and rating function. Brief history of the American Optical Company and Photographer Biographies for J.H. Kent of Rochester, H. Walter Barnett and Janez Puhar.

May 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2015-05-02 07:58:26, by tom [46]

Featured - History of the Altrincham Rubber Company and the Association de Techniciens en Optique et Mecanique Scientifique or ATOMS company and biographies of photographers Darius Kinsey, H. Walter Barnett and T. R. Burnham.

Apr 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2015-04-01 06:37:21, by tom [45]

Featured - Photographer Biographies include the beautiful Bunny Yeager, the prince of photographers Henry H. Pierce, George W. Sittler and George R. Angell. It also includes a brief history of the American Camera Manufacturing Company.

Mar 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2015-03-01 06:11:36, by tom [44]

Featured - History of the Bencini Camera Company and of S. D. McKellen Camera maker. Biographies include photographers Bertha Shambaugh, Frank H. Wenham and Albert L. Rogers.

Feb 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2015-02-01 10:08:42, by tom [43]

Featured - History of the firms of the Albion Albumenizing Co., E. G. Platt Manufacturer, R.T. Adams, Stereocrafters Inc., and the Wilby & Company. Biographies include photographers James. C. Farly, and the firm of Dozer & McCain. A year end summary of our 2015 statistics.

Jan 2015 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2014-12-31 11:59:15, by tom [42]

Featured - History of the firms of Evans, Sons & Co. originally of London and Liverpool, The Sanwa Co. limited of Japan and also of Emil Suter of Basel Switzerland. Additional Information is provided on the Unibox camera and the Aptus Camera. Biographies of Photographers J. D. Edwards, Novel Busey and Charles Reutlinger.

Dec 2014 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2014-12-01 07:38:04, by tom [41]

Featured - Biographies of C.P. Goerz founder of Goerz Optical, Photographer Jessie Tarbox Beaks, Australian Photographer J.R. Hanna, and photographer J. Wells Champney. It also includes short articles of the Irwin Camera Co., L. G. Kleffel, Foto-Flex camera, The ERAC Selling Co. and the Encore Camera Co..

Nov 2014 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2014-11-01 06:36:31, by tom [40]

Featured - The history of J.T. Chapman - Chemist and Photographic Supplier, a short history of the Detrola Corporation and biographies of photographers Dorethea Lang, Eadweard Muybridge and Bernard Alfieri.

Oct 2014 HC Newsletter

Up'd 2014-10-01 06:31:38, by tom [39]

Featured - History of the Barker and Starbird photographic supply company, History of the photographic firm of J.J. Atkinson of Liverpool and history of D.H. Cussons chemist and camera maker of Southport. Also Biographies of Photographers E.W. Withington and Robert Henry Bow.

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