Manufacture: Rochester Optical Company
Location: Rochester, N.Y.
Model: Standard Camera
Features: Reversible Back
Production Dates: 1885-1895
Film: Plate
Lens: Sold without lens.
Accessories: none
Reference Price for: 1895
3 1/4 x 4 1/4... $12.00
4 x 5........... $12.00
4 1/4 x 6 1/2... $14.00
5 x 7........... $14.00
5 x 8........... $16.00
6 1/2 x 8 1/2... $18.00
8 x 10.......... $20.00
Description: The Standard camera is inexpensive quality camera providing reversible back with our spring-acting ground glass frame and all the important movements. It is made in the general style of the empire state camera, though with back focus and without rack and pinion movements. Well made with seasoned mahogany, finely finished in shellac, with polished and lacquered brass fittings.
CLICK HERE for a list of Rochester Optical cameras.
Historic Camera Value and Rating - Estimating Overall Worth (about)
# 871
2015-06-07 08:51:30
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