Manufacture: Rochester Optical Company
Location: Rochester, N.Y.
Model: Premaret Camera
Features: Internal focus
Category: Detective Camera
Production Dates: 1891 - 1903
Film: Dry Plate
Lens: R.O. Co. Single or rapid rectillinear lens
Reference Price for: 1895
with one plate holder.......... $20.00
with rapid rectillinear lens... $25.00
Description: The Premaret camera is in reality a miniture form of the premier camera. it has swing back, and rising and falling front, the working parts of which are entirely in the camera. Only comes in 4x5 size.
CLICK HERE for a list of Rochester Optical cameras.
Historic Camera Value and Rating - Estimating Overall Worth (about)
# 865
2015-06-07 08:49:24
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