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  Excelsior Camera by Rochester Optical Co.

The Excelsior Camera was manufactured by the Rochester Optical Company from 1885 to 1889.

The Excelsior features a square back being reversible, so that when a view be wanted either horizontally or vertically on plate, the change can be effected in five seconds by simply reversing the back instead of the entire camera box. It is made of selected mahogany, with all metal parts made of polished and lacquered brass.

The ground glass frame is held to the camera back by two springs which allow it to recede so as to insert the holder between the ground glass and camera back. It has rack and pinion focusing movement. the front moving forward leaving the back always stationary. When the focus has been obtained the front is clamped by turning an independent milled head placed inside the one which turns the pinion.

Price includes Canvas Carrying Case and one Perfection plate holder, but no lens or tripod. SIZE OF VIEW PRICE 3 1/4 x 4 1/4 ($18); 4 x 5 ($20); 4 1/4 x 6 1/2 ($22); 5 x 7 ($25); 5 x 8 ($27); 6 1/2 x 8 1/2 ($30); 8 x 10 ($35).

CLICK HERE for a list of Rochester Optical cameras.

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# 851
2015-06-07 08:42:58

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