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  Premo Sr. Special Camera

The Premo Sr. Special Camera was manufactured by the Rochester Optical Company (ROC) from 1895 to 1901. Advertised as the highest possible grade of photographic apparatus. This was essentially the Premo Sr. but with a high grade lens and shutter. The lens is a Zeiss Anastigmat lens, Series IIa fitted with a Baush & Lomb Diaphragm shutter. Shutter speed range was 3 seconds to 1/100th of a second. Very high end for the time period.

Suited for hand or tripod work, the Premo Senior Special can accommodate glass plates, cut and roll films. Constructed of select mahogany highly polished on the interior, outside is covered in fine black leather and the metal fittings are made of polished and lacquered brass.

Features include a double swing back, double sliding front both vertical and horizontal, rack and pinion focusing, panel in the rear for the spring actuated ground glass focusing, a reversible view finder and two tripod plates. Fitted with a Victor Rapid Rectilinear lens and Victor Shutter with iris diaphragm and time or instantaneous exposure. The rapid rectilinear lens may be removed from the shutter and replaced with Victor wide angle lens as an alternate. Made in multiple sizes including inches, 4 x 5, 5 x 7, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2, 8 x 10. Larger sizes are hard to find. Priced from $67.00 to $120.00 usd.

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# 830
2015-06-06 22:40:04

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