The Comet camera was introduced and manufactured by the Aiken-Gleason Co. of Wisconsin in 1893. At that time into 1896 that was the only camera that the company produced. It was a lightweight simple box camera that accepted 4 x 5 inch glass dry plates or cut film. It was fitted with a single achromatic lens described to having great depth of focus, flatness of field and wonderful definition. The shutter is set by turning a small milled head on the front of the camera. The time exposures are made with a time lever on the side and speed for snap shot was adjustable by a brass lever. The camera housed two view finders for both horizontal and vertical pictures. The back was equipped with a full sized ground glass. It accepted a perfection junior dry plate similar that was used on the Premo cameras. The camera measured 5 3/8 x 7 x 9 1/4 inches which included space to carry three plate holders. It originally only cost one dollar.
# 2224
2012-11-02 12:02:28
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