The Adlake Regular camera was manufactured by The Adams and Westlake company of Chicago, Illinois from 1897 to approximate 1920. Advertised as the easiest to use, making the best photographs and never out of order. The camera took twelve exposures on 4 x 5 inch plates with a single daylight loading. The twelve single metal plate holders were light tight and dust proof. It was fitted with a extra rapid achromatic lens, specially ground and the Adlake shutter with three diaphragm stops. Two finders are provided for portrait or landscape work and two accompanying tripod sockets. Covered in Seal Grain leather. Originally priced at $12.00.
CLICK HERE for a list of Adams & Westlake Cameras.
Historic Camera Value and Rating - Estimating Overall Worth (about)
# 1123
2018-03-12 19:41:21
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