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  Premo C Camera

The Premo C camera was manufactured by the Rochester Optical Company from approximately 1895 to 1902. The lens and shutter are neatly built-in to the wood front. Fitted with a single achromatic or rapid rectilinear lens with rotating diaphragm and accompanied with the new safety time and instantaneous shutter adjsuted by a lever on teh side.

Features included a spring actuated ground glass focusing screen, central swing back and sliding front, reversible finder and two tripod sockets. The compact Premo C measures 4 5/8 x 5 5/8 x 6 7/8 inches and weighs slightly over two pounds. Available in two sizes, a 4 x 5 inch priced at $12.00 and a 5 x 7 inch priced at $20.00.

CLICK HERE for a list of Rochester Optical cameras.

Historic Camera Value and Rating - Estimating Overall Worth (about)

# 1058
2015-06-08 20:52:31

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